
Saturday, June 25, 2011

A 10 Minute Project!-Many plants from One!

 This is the herb garden on my deck....trying to raise herbs in my garden is impossible because of all the creatures wanting breakfast, lunch and dinner! (more on my ongoing war with the wildlife another day)

Plants on the deck always thrive because they are right in my face and I feel guilty if I don't take care of them.  When the mint and basil start to get leggy or just seem to be overtaking the pot, this is what I do.

Disclaimer : This project actually takes more than 10 minutes if you count the week of waiting for the roots to grow on your cuttings...sorry!
  • Take a basil or mint cutting right below a leaf node. Remove the leaves from the cutting about two inches from the end. 
  • Put the cutting in a container of water (I have best success with a container that is opaque, but the help articles suggest a clear glass...go figure...
  • Put the container in a brightly lit spot.
  • When the roots grow....about a week....repot in good potting soil that is not too heavy.
  • Water the transplanted herb well for a couple of days
  • Share your new plants with a friend.

Actually I think I am going to keep this can never have too much mint.  I love to make this great summer cocktail....better than dessert!
Crush several mint leaves in a glass 
(I think this is called muddling....but just smash it with a spoon)
Add 2 TBSP frozen lemonade concentrate
(you can keep an open can in the freezer door)

Add some Limoncello
(you don't need a lot but more is better with cocktails)
Fill the glass with ice and Club Soda
Check out these other Limoncello recipes....I'm going to!
Before I go....wanted to share the coolest techy gadget I just discovered.  It's a little document camera! For just $70, you can by the This is the one I use: IPVEO Point to View. It is available at AMAZON. You can take a picture of anything within the reach of the cord and the image goes right on your computer with no downloading....that really saves time.  I used it for the photos of the mint project.

Time to go do something about the weeds in the garden that grow faster than the new mantra.....Weeding is the New Yoga!

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