
Friday, February 10, 2012

A Request to my Followers

I am still pretty new to this blogging deal....

I am thrilled with the number of people who follow me (surprised....but thrilled).

And of course I appreciate every one of you!

Now, I have learned that the Google Friend Connect system is on it's way out....hmmmm!

So I have learned about and registered for something called "Linky Followers"

If you currently follow me....please, please, please...take a moment to click on the Linky Follower "follow me" link and follow the instructions. It is in the right side bar under my profile and pinterest link.

As far as I can will need to create a FREE account in order to do this....and the site steps you through this.
I HATE that there always seems to be a "catch" with this stuff....but I would really love if you would take the extra minute.

The Linky Followers appears to best serve people who already have a blog, although you can sign up even if you don't currently have one.  (The "press" says that it will make it easier for you guys to organize the blogs you follow....again....hmmmmm)

If you already have joined the Linky Followers I hope you will follow me....shoot me an email and I will return the favor!

If you don't choose to follow me this way....I will certainly understand
BUT.....perhaps another good option would be to follow by email!  That link is also on the right sidebar!

Wow....if I ask YOU to do this....I better get busy and write some good posts to make it worth your while...."Oh the pressure!"

Let me know in a comment if you have any questions....


  1. I'm following through linky. Come check me out at

  2. I am not signed up to Linky yet but I suppose I will have to be doing that soon! I hate all this hoopla...grrrrr...xo Diana

  3. Just stopping by from the Linky Party Hop. I hope you will visit and follow back.


  4. It is only disappearing for non blogger blogs, you are ok.

  5. Following you via gfc and linky follower via weekend gathering hops, hoping you can follow me back at xx


Let's get the conversation started. I love hearing your thoughts! Take a minute to share!