
Friday, April 6, 2012

Frogs For Flower Arranging and More!

Mr. S brought these daffodils home from the grocery store last night!
Wasn't that sweet?

Well.....I think it was really to keep me from cutting the daffodils in the garden!

He knows me so well.....

 Daffodils are such cheerful flowers!

But they are a little hard to arrange!

If you just stick them in a vase....they flop over and look kind of sloppy!

What to do?

Maybe having floppy daffodils isn't exactly something to lose sleep over....
but there is a solution!

Ribbit....Ribbit....Ribbit!  Read on to see what it is!

Use a frog....yup a Flower Frog makes arranging flowers like daffodils and tulips easy!
 If you don't have any of these little guys....I suggest you start looking for them at flea markets, antique stores and of course thrift stores.
You can even buy them new a Michael's...but what fun is that?

Flower frogs simply support the stems of the flowers....well duh!
The glass ones are nice because they sort of disappear in the bottom of the vase or dish.

 I used this low dish with the frog support the daffodils and then added some pachysandra clippings to make it look like the flowers are still in the garden!

And speaking of pachysandra.....what a great plant....even in Minnesota it stays green all winter!
I used more clippings to create this window box arrangement over the kitchen sink!
Pachysandra is kind of a "natural" flower frog!

I found these great links about flower frogs....I thought  I had enough of them....but after reading these....I need MORE!

Good Old Martha....of course she knows everything about flower frogs!!!

Here is a whole pinterest board about every flower frog imaginable...I started following it as soon as I found it!

Look here....this blog post is a tutorial for DYI flower frogs from Mason Jar smart is that!

You will love to see how Lisa at 161Street uses her flower frogs....I just started following her blog...great stuff!

So HOP To it!!!!  Get a frog and start arranging!

Have a Great Weekend!

Linky Parties
Days of Chalk and Chocolate  Sugar and Spice  Rooted in Thyme  The Answer is Chocolate
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  1. I love daffodils and never THOUGHT to use a flower frog for them....duh....NOW I know to do it! Happy Easter weekend- xo Diana

  2. I love flower frogs BUT I haven't ever used them for flowers :).

  3. I find if you use a tall narrow vase for daffs it supports them. And I use pachysandra in my flower arrangements to cover the oasis, and then it takes less blooms to make the arrangement. I don't think I have one flower frog, I must get one!
    Happy Easter, Mary!

  4. Love Daffodiles - new follower from OVer 40 blog hop.

    Following via GFC and Linky Followers and hope you'll do the same.

  5. What a difference a frog makes. Thank you for sharing how to use one!

  6. Thanks for sharing your post on Simple & Sweet Fridays. Your blog is always teaching us something new. Have a Wonderful Easter!


  7. Wow! Was I ever delighted to find your post--via Sunday Blog Love. I collect flower frogs of all types. I use them for their intended purpose, but also use them in my home decorating, i.e. photograph holders, groupings to add interest or color, pen/pencil holders, etc. Can't wait to dig into the links you've provided. Thanks!

  8. What a cute idea! Thanks joining us and we hope you’ll be back to our “Strut Your Stuff Saturday”. We loved having you! -The Sisters

  9. Wow, that is a really great idea! You are my official go-to woman in all things horticulture :)

    Thanks for partying with me at Drab to Fab. Here's the link to this weeks, party! Come on back to share more of your lovely ideas.

    Have a lovely weekend! :)

    Amy @ Sugar and Spice

  10. Great idea to use the pachysandra as filler! Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday

  11. Hi there,I'm following now from sharing time blog hop, great tips, thanks. Visit my blog sometime at


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