
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Twinkle Twinkle....Deck Lighting! Another Redux!

This is a post that I wrote last seems to be a good one to revisit as the Spring evenings just get nicer and nicer!

I love the quote from the movie "You've Got Mail" when Kathleen announces that all will be fine, but "in the meantime, I'm putting up more twinkle lights."
That's how I feel about the twinkle lights on our deck.
 Sweetwater Style calls for simple, easy, inexpensive elegance.  This solution is almost too easy.
For years I kept the box of Christmas lights close to the front of the storage closet.
I always planned to use them for summer parties!
But....I NEVER actually did it....because....
the thought of tangled wires and extension cords makes me nuts at why would it be any different in the summer?

Besides...most of our summer gatherings are last minute/impromptu events....
Alas....our gathering in the summer went light less!

All was NOT fine! 
 I had NO  twinkle lights!

A trip to Target and then to Home Depot was the answer! I bought a dozen of the little solar lights and stuck them in the planters.

It seems almost silly to think that I need to tell you how to do this....
But...if I tell you how...I can call this a tutorial...tee hee!
This is what you do!
  • Take the little lights out of the package and stick them in the dirt! 
(What do you bet you can do this too?!

I checked Home Depot, Target and Lowes for current prices.
Home Depot


For less than the cost of a good bottle of can have twinkle lights and everything is sure to be fine! 

And if you spring for the good bottle of wine it will be even "finer". 

Party ON!
Craft School Saturday Family Ever After  The Answer is Chocolate  Six Sister's Stuff     Coastal Charm  
You Are Talking Too Much   Sugar Bee Crafts  Hope Studio   A Bowl Full Of Lemons  Katherine's COrner 
French Country Cottage Happy Hour Projects Craftionary Chicken Scratch 
Raising Oranges  


  1. I love those, too. I just bought several at Walmart for $3+ each. Unbelievable. xo Diana

  2. I need twinkle lights! Just found your blog via the Weekend Blog Walk hosted by At Home Take 2 ~ I’m your newest follower now too! I am following via GFC & grabbed your button too ~ I will definitely be back!
    I just recently re-branded myself and moved my blog over to self-hosted WordPress so I would love♥ it if you could return the follow – I am still trying to build up my blog!

  3. Great idea and I'd forgotten how perfect that line from "You've Got Mail" is. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Gotta love your twinkle lights! I came by from the Weekend Blog walk and am a new follower :-)

  5. Well duh, she says as she slaps her head! Why didn't I think of that? Thanks, your a genius. Visiting from Sew Many Ways

  6. Thanks for linking up this week at Friendly Followers Social Media Hop!

  7. We moved to a really dark area, and have a very intimate back yard. I think these might be awesome for lighting it up!

    Thanks for linking up with Friendly Followers this week! If you would like to gather more followers on Pinterest I have a link up for that today:

  8. Sometimes there is a little tag to tear off to get the lights to work. I fussed cause mine didn't burn for months until my hubby showed me why. Red Faced.

  9. What a great idea! Coming by to visit from Katherine's hop!

  10. We just put in a patio, and now we're landscaping around it. I've got to do this!

  11. Cute idea! Thanks for sharing:)

  12. I'm a twinkle light junkie, so I love the thought of twinkle lights out on the deck, it's a must, really. Thanks for the tutorial. I feel so much smarter now! Ha! Good one...and really, thanks for the solar light pricing. Always good to get a feel for the cost without the work of looking it up myself. Love that. Come see how I use twinkle lights on my dining table centerpiece if you are a twinkle fan. Hope you'll stop by.

    oh, and I found you at French Country Cottage's Feathered Nest Friday.


  13. I hope to have some when we get the project in the yard finished. Thank you for linking to the Thursday Favorite Things Hop. I appreciate your bloggy friendship xo

  14. What a simple and inexpensive solution to add some twinkle and sparkle on your deck! You sure are living to your reputation of giving tasteful but affordable advices to your readers and followers! The garden definitely shines, thanks to your Christmas lights! And Christmas lights during the summer season are not a bad thing. :D


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