
Friday, July 27, 2012

By the glow of "Fake" Candles

Excuse my scribbling, it is late, and I have a poor candle.
Henri Rousseau

A while ago I scored these three battery powered candles at "Bonne Volonté" (GW)!
I love the idea of battery powered candles....and hey for 2 bucks....can't go wrong....right?

But alas....everytime I turned them on and put them out....the Sweetwater son or daughter would say....

"Mom...Those are really lame!" 

They were probably right...
But...I couldn't bring myself to throw them out.....
hey...I spent 2 BUCKS on them!
And the other morning when I woke up at my usual 5AM and the power went out....they came in handy!

Then I was browsing the Target $1 bins the other day....AHA....these bamboo placements called my WEREN'T $1... they were $2.50 but I bought them anyway!

The "fake candles" were still on the table....

 The "new" placements were sitting there.....

I had some empty tea cans.....

I had a glue gun....

I Put them all together!

I am not going to insult your intelligence with a tutorial on how to do this....

"Marvin" my new "blogging buddy" could probably do this!!!!
Just wrap and glue!

The tea can is there to give height and stability to the placemat...

You could use about anything....

Since it is broad daylight....I had to find a room with no windows and try to hold the camera forgive the lousy photo!

This little project only took 10 minutes....and cost $5 dollars....Not bad!

And the best part.....when I "light" these candles for a party, I can walk away with no worries about safety! many of you find pools of wax on the bathroom counter "the morning after"!  Maybe that only happens at Sweetwater!!!

Now we will just have to wait for the Sweetwater Son and/or daughter to weigh in about whether these are still "LAME".....but maybe I will just ignore them!!!!


  1. What a great project. You won't be surprised to know that I have several of these and there in my house! And I actually had my glue gun out yesterday gluing seashells around a cork coaster to put one of them on. I'll show it soon! I love this idea and will have to look for some bamboo mats! We like a lot of the same things...don't we? Hugs!

  2. GREAT project, Mary. I have had a couple of "scares" with candles during/after parties. Love these candles and need to pick some up- xo Diana

  3. What a brilliant idea!! I wish I could find some of those candles. Do you think they sell them in the UK? I've hopped over from Lavender Dreams and am so glad that I did! I think I'll become a follower so that I can find out more! Joan

  4. PS. I wanted to follow you but can't find where to join! Sorry. Joan

  5. What do kids know, anyway? They are definitely NOT lame. I always keep some around for power outages--last Oct. taught me about dependence on electricity. And your crafty touch-magnifique!!

  6. This is an amazing project! I love anything easy and inexpensive and you managed to do both beautifully.

  7. Here from Cherished Treasures and I love your idea!!! Your blogging assistant is super cute too. These turned out so lovely, now following :)

    Hugs, Tanya

  8. What a fabulous idea! They look so great lit and unlit! We also have cats (Marvin is adorable) so we never use real candles. What a great alternative! I'm visiting from the Welcome Wednesday blog hop. I'm your newest follower. I'd love it if you could follow back. Have a great week!

  9. Great idea! I may have to try that with some of my fake candles! :)
    Love your blog...I'm a new follower!

  10. Great idea! You made them more decorative.

  11. Great idea....just found your blog and so glad I did. Will add you as a follower.


  12. Very cool! Will have to try this project...


  13. that is such a cool idea, thanks so much for sharing!!!!

  14. Such an awesome idea!!!!! I am visiting form the Catch a Glimpse link up and wanted to stop by and say hi. I a a new follower. I blog over at I hope you will stop by and do the same. I also have a giveaway with a Circut Machine going on right now. I would Love it if you entered but you have to hurry it ends tomorrow! Hope you have a great day!


  15. I love those cheap placemats. Just hopped over from Made you Look. Very cool idea!

  16. Love this idea! I love the look of bamboo, so calm and peaceful. Great idea!

  17. OMGenius! I need to pick up some of these candles next time I'm at the dollar store.

  18. Marvin is a cutie! Love the battery powered candles and this makes them look so much more elegant! Thanks so much for sharing on Busy Monday!

  19. I love flameless candles but still burn the scented ones, even in the summer! I think the bamboo placements look great wrapped around your candles...don't you love when the kids speak their minds? My kids don't hold back anything, but it's all good...great project as well as the story leading you to do something with these candles...wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  20. Just wanted to let you know I featured these as part of my link party wrap up today!


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