
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Have A Bloomin' Great 4th!

Oh my it is hot here in Minnesota...and by the looks of things it is hot almost everywhere!
Maybe we will hit a record 100 degrees today!

Mr. S......crazy man....he couldn't possibly let a "little" heat keep him from riding on the
 Tour d'amico, an event sponsored by a well known Minneapolis area restaurant.  "We'll just take our time and ride slowly!!!" then they are out in the heat even longer....hmmmm!
The route takes them right by they stopped in and filled the water bottles and had a snack.
 They only have 3/4's of the ride left....I wonder if they will look quite this happy at the end!
There is the reward of the buffet lunch at the end....and I know there will be lots of the famous D'Amico Chicken Cherry Pasta....

Ha Ha...I don't have to ride a bike 45 miles to get some of that....
I have the recipe and can make my OWN!  I plan to make this in the next few is so delicious!
Here is the recipe from Tastebook that is the inspiration....and here is Chicken Cherry Pasta Sweetwater Style:
D'Amico Style Chicken and Cherry Pasta Salad
  • 2 cups real mayo (light works fine)
  • ¼ cup powdered sugar
  • 2 T cider vinegar
  • 2 T water
    • pepper and salt
  • 1 box pasta cooked (I use rotini or large pasta shells)
  • The meat from 1 rotisserie chicken
  • 1 cup dried cherries (they are cheap at CostCo
  • 3 green onions with tops chopped
  • Combine sugar and vinegar. Add everything else and whisk together. Pour over salad ingredients.
This salad can be made ahead and keeps 3-4 days....that is if I can keep Mr. S. out of it!

 After Mr. S. recovers from the ride...we will head to Waconia for a cookout and the Fireworks over the lake!

Should be fun....and I wish you the same!

Linky Parties


  1. I love the colors of your blog. That pasta looks delish, I had to fight the urge not to lick the screen on my phone! 45 miles?!? That makes me winded just thinking about it. I'm dropping in from follow me Wednesday & I'm your newest follower.

    Happy 4th!!

  2. Love the mosaic photos and the salad looks yummy!

  3. That salad looks delicious!

    I found you on Tough Cookie Mommy's Monday Mingle. I'm at Would love to have you over there :)

  4. YUM! What a great combination -- love the tart cherries with the sweet, roasted chicken -- thanks for sharing this!


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