
Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Long Week....Over At Last!

Yeah....I was too busy this week to write a blog post!

So let me take a moment to complain about being busy.....

This week at work was chock full of STUFF!

 What STUFF?  Let me tell you!

  • It was "SPIRIT WEEK" to get ready for our school fundraiser!  That meant that every day was a different  dress up theme! I was "A fashion Disaster", Madeline, A Hippie, and "A Librarian"!  Lots of energy was involved in planning and executing all of that. Warning...if you are ever a volunteer parent thinking of things to do at school.....AVOID dress up days!!!  It results in lots of angst for everyone!
  • Our school got shipments of 15 new iPads and 12 new Chrome Books....sounds great...unless you are the one who needs to get them ready for people to use.
  • I had a dentist appointment....YUCK!
  • Important after school meetings 3 of the 5 days!
  • 8 inches of snow fell on a day when Mr. S. was on a business trip!  Thanks to the Sweetwater Son who blew out the driveway on his lunch hour....MY HERO!
  • Our school was selected to be the state review site for our alternative pay system....and little old me is the Lead Teacher for went well but was stressful in the extreme!
So....THAT is why I didn't get much blogging done!  At the end of the days....a glass of wine (or 2) and some couch sitting were about all I could think about doing!

You don't read Sweetwater Style to hear about my earth shaking problems....
So here are a few things that are NOT complaints!

A trip to Goodwill last Saturday....I scored this great rusty metal Rooster that has been making me smile all week!  Only 6 bucks!!!

 A few moments of "Decor Therapy" resulted in this cheerful homage to St. Patrick's Day!
  • The Chicago City Scene.....
  • A Chunk of green fabric from the Sweetwater Fabric Stash...
  • A GW Fiesta Pitcher,,,
  • Wheat Grass with some fresh flowers...(Thanks Mr. S)
  • A GW Shamrock (Two Bucks)
  • The cute Rumrill crockery from GW... 
Pretty and Simple!!!

I had a few moments to finally frame the poster that was a CHRISTMAS present from the Sweetwater Son and SO!
Can't wait to get it hung on the wall!

So busy or not....I guess I should stop complaining.....and enjoy the weekend!
I hope you do the same!

1 comment:

  1. Oh -your week was a killer- I am just wondering what you did in all your spare time though!;>) Love your rusty roo from GW. What a great find- xo Diana


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