
Saturday, May 3, 2014

True Confession in Decorating!

I have a confession to make!
Sometimes my craft/decor ideas aren't exactly successful!
(I can just hear Mr. S saying to himself....."what else is new?")
(But at least he knows to say it to HIMSELF!)

This is the True Confession of one of those little decor snafus!

Remember when I upscaled the baker's rack shelves with burlap and rope?
Remember how cute it was?
Remember how I blogged about it and told you all that you could/should do this too?

Well...."Never Mind..."

After about a month I ended up taking the burlap got all wrinkly and yucky!
 But you have to admit it was cute!

Maybe if I had taken the plants off the shelf to water them and treated the rack more like indoor furniture the fabric would have stayed nicer!  Since the entry is partially covered...the rain isn't the is my laziness!! (more confessions....and probably more of Mr. S saying "What else is new?"

The problem of  water spotted glass shelves on the baker's rack has not gone I wanted to figure out something new.

Following the mantra of "Use What You HAVE" I got out the leftover fabric from my wrapped fabric wall art to solve the problem.

Since the new front door is now red.....this pattern is nice and cheerful!

It was a simple process of cutting the indoor outdoor fabric to the shape of the shelves and tucking it around the edges.  I figure that if it gets dirty...I can just wash and iron it and put it back on!

The red pots are some that I bought at Goodwill and spray painted red!  If the weather ever really gets warm enough to put plants outside....they should look nice!

If this doesn't work....I will be sure to share that True Confession with you all!

Have a wonderful day!

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