
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Itching to Decorate for the Holidays!

I am a firm believer in WAITING until AFTER Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas!
It bugs the heck out of me that the stores are in full CHRISTMAS Mode!

BUT....I am itching to get started!
Then I read this blog post from Debbie over ate Debbie Dabble 

this redo her of her sled is great looking....

it was the old version that caught my eye!


I have a sled!

I have my ice skates!

I even have some hand carved antique skis that belonged to Mr. S's Grandfather!

Chances are.....I won't be sledding any time soon!
Chances are....I won't be skating any time soon!
Chances are....I won't be skiing any time soon!

That can only mean one thing....
These objects need to become Holiday Decorations!

It was a simple matter of tying the skis to the deck railing with some rope....
Leaning the sled up against the skis and wiring it tight!

Tying on the skates...
Adding a bit of greenery and a bright red bow!

Thanks for the inspiration Debbie!

Marvin is impressed with the view out the deck door!

Pardon the blurry cat image....but have YOU ever tried to get a cat to sit still for a photo op???

This next project is another update....
and since it has sort of a November Deer Hunting theme...
I think I can count it as THANKSGIVING decor!

This wreath has been around a few years.

It is simply all of the antlers from years of deer hunting successes...

(Mr. S says that these antlers are too "wimpy" to count as trophies....but I disagree...they are decorating trophies for me!)

The antlers are simply wired to a wire framed artificial wreath (probably a Goodwill find)!

Then a "manly" plaid bow finished the look!

But....I was thinking it needed an update!

HMMM.....burlap is pretty trendy right now.....and I had a bunch of burlap scraps in my stash!

All I did was cut some squares using the scraps.....and tucked them into the artificial greenery around the antlers.... to the ribbon box to find that roll of burlap ribbon I scored at the after Christmas sales last year.

The trick to this bow.....make the loops and tie the center with some raffia!  Then you have raffia ends to attach to the wreath frame!

I am super happy with the result! is hanging up now....a nice compromise to NOT decorating for Christmas...
BUT scratching my ITCH!

What is your vote?
To DECORATE before Thanksgiving....OR NOT?

I am off to decorate the Charity Christmas Tree today....
That too will let me get my decorating itch scratched!
Luckily (?) the Sweetwater Grandbaby has not decided to arrive yet....
so the Sweetwater Daughter can be there to supervise!

Have A Great Day....

1 comment:

  1. Mary!! Thanks so much for featuring my post on your blog!!

    Your skis and sled look great!!!! Love them!!

    I did used to wait until after Thanksgiving to decorate but since i work full time night shift and decorate every room in the house for Christmas and put up at least 10 trees, even though I had 19 trees one year, there is no way i could do this after Thanksgiving!!

    So I start the downstairs right after Halloween and I try to do some of the upstairs before Halloween.....

    I do feel that Thanksgiving here in the US is way too late, way after the Harvest Season is LONG over and I wish we had Thanksgiving when they do in Canada, early in October, during the actual Harvest Season when the first Thanksgiving supposedly took place.

    I will give you a Shout out on my Blog and face Book and Google +. Thanks again!!



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