
Thursday, April 30, 2015

I'm In a Mystery Thrift Off!

About a month ago, a friend sent me an intriguing email telling me about a cool project.

Lindsey over at Better After  was looking for applications to join her Mystery Thrift Off!

I looked at her post and figured....what the heck....and I applied!
Imagine my surprise....I was picked to be one of the participants!
If you want to see all the specifics of how this works, here is a link to Lindsey's post about the contest!

In a nutshell.....Lindsey has spent the last few weeks shopping the thrift stores for a UNIQUE  and VERY SPECIAL item for each of the contestants.

She sent them out to all of us this week!

We have a couple of weeks to "TRANSFORM" the item in some new way!  Lindsey is hoping that the transformation will be "Better After"....hmmmm...that IS a challenge! item arrived yesterday!  I literally tore off the wrapping to discover my challenge!

Two bags of tiny little popsicle/craft sticks!
My creative juices are flowing!
I am looking for some ideas!
I think I know what I am going to do!
I will keep you posted!
In the meantime....
I don't think it would be cheating 
if you gave your opinion of what I should do with these babies!

Have A Great Day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary! I'm glad your package made it safely! So excited to see what you come up with!!


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