
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Thrifty Patio Table Refresh!

The lovely April weather here in Minnesota this year is a bit deceptive!  Days in the 70's make it a joy to get out and start clearing the gardens.  My solution to ease the  "gardening aches and pains" that are a result of way too much bending and pulling and digging is sitting on the deck with a cool beverage! 
Photo of the deck in 2012

The deck truly is a three season extra room in/out of our home!

We love the seating area with chairs around a round table with a copper inset for a planting.

Well....while I was sitting there relaxing.....
I noticed the surface of the top of the table!

YIKES!  Minnesota winters are hard on things!

In other years, I used Gel Stain and Polyurethane to refresh the surface! (Click to see how I did that)

But after doing that a couple of times, the situation called for something more drastic!

You may wonder.....why doesn't this woman just buy herself a NEW table for heaven's sake? all honesty it is a big pain to haul the old table out....figure out how to recycle or dispose of it.....then shop and assemble a new table!
Besides.....we love the shape of the round table and the insert that is perfect for flowers or other decor!  If we wanted a table like that....with a surface that would not deteriorate it would be a tad to spendy for this thrifty (CHEAP) person!
As you can see.....Lowes has JUST what we need!
A little sanding with a sanding block.....

Some Gloss Black Enamel paint.....
And a cheap throw away brush (because I decided to be lazy and not have to clean my brush).....

Two coats later the table looked like this!
Not bad....but I felt like it looked a little like freshly tarred blacktop.....not exactly the look I was going for.
The easy fix was sort of a faux slate treatment achieved with a couple of passes with some bronze and black spray paint!
I sprayed and used a stiff brush to spread out the obvious spray spatters.

The final results!

This is a case of "Use what you have"because the paint was all leftover from past projects!

The cost for this was a total of $1 for the disposable brush!

Even better.....the time it took to do this was way less than replacing the table we love!

Have A Wonderful Day!
We are off to a baseball game this afternoon!
Link Parties

1 comment:

  1. This looks so much nicer after being painted. Very nice... I haven't seen a table w/ the pot in the center... nice idea. :)


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