
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How to Hand Tie A Daisy Bouquet

There really is something so cheerful about any kind of Daisy!

Making a hand tied bouquet of flowers is a great thing to know how to do.  But before I show the way to do this....let me tell you some "stuff" about one of my favorite flower.

The origin of the word Daisy is the Anglo Saxon “daes eage” which literally mean “day’s eye”. It was called this because daisies open at dawn as the day just starts to begin.

The "ditch daisies" or English Daisies grow in great abundance in the Sweetwater gardens. I guess you could call them weeds....but they look so wonderful in the early Summer garden.

How fun to have flowers that the little ones can pick without getting scolded....even though we always have to remind them....."Please don't EAT the daisies!"

The picture on the left is the Mom of the little guy on the right!

 When these "weeds" are done blooming, I rip the whole plants out.  Not to fear, they reseed themselves and there will be new plants in the place of the old ones next year.

Now the "nicer" Shasta Daisies are starting to bloom.  I really recommend this kind of daisy for any garden.  Once they are established, they are easy to propagate and move to various sunny spots in your garden.

These Daisies make wonderful cut flowers for the house.

Cutting them often has the added benefit of keeping the plants blooming longer.  If you cut the flower at a juncture of the leaves, a new flower will grow from there.

I like to use these strong stemmed beauties in mixed arrangements, but also like the look of a simple hand tied bouquet standing in a simple glass vase.

Start by cutting a good number of flowers with nice long stems.

 Strip off all of the leaves except a few very close to the flowers.

Pick up each flower and "pinch" them together overlapping the stems in an "X" and tucking the flowers up close to one another. You will end up using a little of a twisting motion to get the flowers to bunch nicely.

Tie a bit of raffia loosely around your stems very close to the flower heads.  This allows you to keep pulling and shifting the flowers into a nice round shape for your bouquet.
Once you are happy with the shape of the bouquet, add more raffia to secure the bouquet.  Cut the stems off at a height that will let the stems sit flat on the bottom of the vase.  This lets the stems draw in water and will keep your bouquet fresh longer.
Put the bouquet in the vase and do a little bit more adjusting to make each flower show off it's best face!  A few strands of raffia add some additional "style"!

You can use this hand tying technique for any kind of flower that has a strong stem.  I can't wait until the Zinnias are blooming enough to use.  The challenge of arranging Sunflowers is simpler if you use an adaptation of this technique. Here is a post about how to do this....

Have a "Blooming" great day!
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The Dedicated House  

1 comment:

  1. I’m a little behind in my follows! Thanks so much for joining this month Hobnob! Welcome!


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