
Monday, October 5, 2015

Make A Spooky Fairy Garden

I was at Goodwill a few months ago and found this little ceramic house.

It was only $4.99.

It is obviously a Christmas
ornament but I thought that it would make a great house for a Fairy Garden sometime.

HMMMMM.....what about a Spooky Halloween Fairy Garden?

That seemed doable.....and doable without spending hardly any money!
This would be a great kid project because it is so simple.
Click To Learn How I did it.....

Supplies Needed:
Ceramic House
Acrylic paint in a variety of "sad and morbid" colors (I used black, gray, purple and green)
Bamboo Serving Tray (or other low sided tray or box)
Artificial Moss
Artificial Mini Pumpkins (I found a spray of these for $.99 at GW)
Other Fairy Garden accoutrements.....fancy smancy word.....time for.....

ac·cou·tre·ment   plural noun: accoutrements
  1. additional items of dress or equipment, or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity.
    "the accoutrements of religious ritual"

    synonyms:equipment, paraphernalia, stuff, things, apparatus, tackle, implements, material(s), rig, outfit, regalia, appurtenances, impedimenta, odds and ends, bits and pieces, trappings, accessories

I challenge you to use the word sometime today to amaze your friends!  They will think you are so very smart!
Back to our project! 

Step One:  Paint the House


 Since the whole idea of a "haunted" house is to have it look run down and rickety....

I wasn't to careful about how I painted it.....

Another reason this is a great kid project! 

The roof got a treatment of black....even covering up the "snow" from the Holiday theme....

Then purple for the siding...I didn't even clean the brush between the roof and siding.
The paint is supposed to look old and worn!

Then black for the windows....

Frankenstein Green for the trim and of course the green slime oozing out of the chimney!

Notice how you don't even notice the holiday wreath in the doorwa?

Maybe I will figure out how to make a teeny tiny ghost to glue in there!

I have a stack of these bamboo trays....when you search for seems they are "vintage bamboo tiki trays"...go figure!

I got mine at GW for a buck a piece.

I figured at that price I could afford to use one for this project.

The tray got painted with black chalkboard paint ....BECAUSE....that is what I had!!!

The "grounds" are covered with artificial moss that I had lying around. could use the real thing or gravel!

I didn't even glue this down but you could!

Now it is time for the accoutrements

  • The "Estate Gate" and the little bench are from the Fairy Garden in the yard.  I had to bring them in anyway now that the leaves are falling. 
  • The little pumpkins are perfect!  They are from a decorative spray that came from GW.  (Hint: Always look at the artificial flower display in the thrift store.  There are often some really fun decor items! )
  • I found a little packet of 6 skeletons on a string for $2.99 at the drugstore.  One of those looks properly spooky sitting on the bench.
The little fairy lights are one of my new favorite things!
The little fine copper wire has 30 little lights on it.  The battery pack is easy to hide and the 3 AA batteries last a really long time.
You can hardly see the wire and it is super what a fun and easy way to make something sparkle!

I used the rest of the skeleton garland on the little chalkboard easel in the kitchen....I am really getting my Halloween on!

Look at all these other Halloween Themed Fairy Gardens.
I hope they inspire you to make your own!


Have A Great Day!
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Bajan Texan   Curly Crafty Mom   

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