
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Posh Velvet Pumpkins

 Alas....those Halloween Jack'os that looked so festive a week ago are starting to go into their decline.

Before you toss sure to "harvest" the stems.


These stems can be used for some lovely posh velvet pumpkins for your Thanksgiving table.

Simply carve away any of the pumpkin to pull the stems out.
If you are lucky, there will be some wonderful curly vines left too.

Then....trim off as much of the pulp as you can and set them to dry.

Pop them in the oven at the lowest setting with the door open and let them dry out for a couple of hours.  They should be dry enough to use right away.

I won't be making any new velvet pumpkins this year....I already have these!

You don't need to limit yourself to velvet....the silk ones are pretty too!

You know how I hate writing instead....I have found you a really well written set of directions for the project.   Check it out here.

Aren't these gorgeous?

While I was researching for a good tutorial, I found the directions for making these cute little velvet off I went to the Sweetwater woods to gather acorn tops.

I started to follow the directions.....
I made one....

And then.....I thought to myself.....what in the world will I ever do with these and they are taking a whole bunch of time....SO I QUIT!
HMMMMM....but if you want to make is the link! 

So anyway....I hope you are reading this BEFORE you threw out your pumpkins!
I collected my stems and they will get packed away when they are dried.
Or...maybe I will make some little posh pumpkins for gifts.

And finally....

If you have is a wonderful book that shows the life cycle of a pumpkin.  A fun science project if you can get over the "ick" factor.

Have a Great Weekend!
Link Parties
Curly Crafty Mom  

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