
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with Great Kids Books

Next Monday is Martin Luther King Day!

In honor of the life and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I usually share a list of my favorite read aloud books that encapsulate the ideas we celebrate on our day of recognition of the life of this American Hero. 
Here is a link to one of those old posts. 

This year I decided to go out and look at what kind of lists that other "experts" have put together.
WOW!  There are so many great titles....and I am happy to see that many of the books I recommend are included on many lists.

So enjoy your journey to find some great reads!
Remember.....this isn't a subject that should only have ONE DAY to explore. is a great pinterest board that has a variety of books relating to many cultures.  Worth a look!

 This link will cover the basics for you.  The books are current and well chosen.

This site is so worth checking out.  Rebecca over at A Book Long Enough has curated an amazing and broadly scoped list of books. You should also check out her post about WHY multicultural books are so important.

Would you believe that the PRAGMATIC MOM has put together 60....yes 60 lists of multicultural books broken down in some great common sense categories!

I am always amazed by the wonderful insights that children have about the "dream" that MLK had.

I always asked the kids to look around the group of kids that are sitting together listening to the stories.....

Then I asked  if they believed that Martin Luther's Dream has come true....

Isn't it wonderful that our kids are in fact living in a world where "little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers" they sit side by side with children of all colors.  


We know that the issues of racism, discrimination and diversity will continue to be something that we struggle with.  The news is filled with the "bad news" related to these issues.   It is critical that our children are exposed to thoughtful and carefully guided "Courageous Conversations" surrounding race.

I believe that well written children's books are a wonderful way to start. 

I am now heading back to look more closely at all these lists!

Have A Wonderful Day!


Link Parties


  1. Hi Mary,
    I just hopped over from From the Farm blog hop to see Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with Great Kids Books and I am so glad I did. I plan to share these wonderful resources. Thanks so much for compiling them.

  2. Just hopped over from Happiness is Homemade. Yours was the first link I checked out, as Martin Luther King Jr was a childhood hero of mine. Seeing clips of his speeches still brings tears to my eyes. Looking forward to checking out more of your blog today!


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