
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mad For Plaid



  1. Checkered or tartan twilled cloth, typically made of wool.
  2. Any cloth with a tartan pattern.
However you define it....I Love It!

these designers have made fortunes using plaid for clothing and home decor!

Why?  Because plaid always works!
Well.....almost always!
Read on to see some more plaid madness!

My favorite plaid treasure is this vintage Pendleton Coat my daughter found....too bad it didn't fit her....NOT!
It was full length....and I decided to cut it off to car coat I wear it a lot!
I found some wonderful blue and green plaid fabric this fall and made myself this great cape.....I don't sew clothes for myself very often....but I have to admit this turned out really well!

I have so much plaid fabric that I even made some "Plaid Coats" for wine bottles to give as hostess gifts.....

 I have been using my "plaid stash" to make some fun mittens....I am going to do a "Use what I have" tutorial about this soon....because the cuffs and lining are made of old sweaters!
so stay tuned....but aren't they cute?
Of course....plaid ribbon makes a very pretty bow!

Here is just one of the many  plaid shirts I find at GW for my husband and son! 
It matches the cashmere sweater with the tags still on it!
A Ralph Lauren shirt and cashmere sweater for a total of $15....yeah me!!!

And look at this darling plaid dress my little niece wore for Christmas (a GW find her mom scored)

Now....I think I am a pro at finding great stuff at Goodwill....
 But our son-in-law has actually "gone pro" with his "Goodwill Hunting"!
He has gone into business selling reconditioned vintage men's clothing!
Greenwich Vintage

You really need to check out the great stuff at the Website....the shop features the most amazing stuff!  
For sale at the store or Etsy Shop.

He even knows how to add plaid to shoes for heaven's sake!

Greenwich Vintage is on my check back for his latest finds!

They hosted a "plaid party" last month....way better than an ugly sweater party don't you think?
I guess you might say.....
"Plaid isn't just a FAD...." 
"Don't be sad....wear plaid"
I think I will just wish you 
"Plaid Tidings in 2012"?


  1. Mary-I love plaid,too. I always have. Love your coat and your cape! Your little neice is adorable. xo Diana

  2. Great inspiration to use some plaid! I was a Catholic schoolgirl though and HAD to wear it so much that I can't hardly wear it now!

  3. I love plaid, too, and do not use nearly enough of it in my home decor or personal fashion. :-) Followed you here from Stuff and Nonsense.

  4. I love plaid too,my Cmas decor for the kitchen is plaid, and my porch too!
    I think a plaid party is a wonderful idea. I love the cape you made, just darling!
    Here from 2805. Nice to meet you! :)

  5. Like someone said above, I was a Catholic school girl too so I'm still in "plaid recovery". But I love the collection of things you showed ( I'm cracking up about that plaid house) and your cape turned out fantastic! Thanks for sharing at this week's BFF Open House.

  6. Oh, how I heart plaid!
    A few blog friends and I are collectively presenting a new challenge idea that we would love to have you join. If you have a second, check in at on Monday to learn more, and feel free to email me if you have any questions!
    Karah @ thespacebetweenblog

  7. I love plaid and you have certainly have a nice collection!

    Thank you for linking this lovely post to Potpourri Friday!


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