Screen doors really are the essence of Summer!
Don't you love having the windows and doors open to let the air and sounds of summer flow through through the house?
The Old Screen

those made of wood with fancy corner design?
No cool air conditioning then,
yet a fan and screen door seemed oh! so fine ...
The screen door kept out pesky
but squeaked open to welcome friends of mine...
and sometimes strangers,
or traveling salesmen trying hard to earn a dime...
but squeaked open to welcome friends of mine...
and sometimes strangers,
or traveling salesmen trying hard to earn a dime...
Remember the small steel
used to latch the door but rarely used anytime?
And if the door spring broke,
the door flew wide... time out to fix and realign...
used to latch the door but rarely used anytime?
And if the door spring broke,
the door flew wide... time out to fix and realign...
Old dog would sprawl
to nap right in the way, at the door's front line;
pet cat thought the screen door to be
her scratching post
And oh! How Mom would whine!
to nap right in the way, at the door's front line;
pet cat thought the screen door to be
her scratching post
And oh! How Mom would whine!
"Don't slam the door!" Mom always
I never learned; Slam! it went every time.
Old screen-door scenes beckon language memories
for which I often pine.
I never learned; Slam! it went every time.
Old screen-door scenes beckon language memories
for which I often pine.
Author Betty Kossick
The screen on the patio door at Sweetwater has taken a beating from MARVIN!
He just loves to stretch and put his entire weight on the door!
His little parlor trick caused the screen to push out and leave big gaps.
Unsightly...and a great spot for bugs to enter!
It was time to re-screen the door!