Happy Monday!
It has been too long since I posted anything here....
It seemed like all the stuff that has been keeping me busy didn't really fit with the mission of Sweetwater Style.
It seemed that my projects really aren't anything to blog about.
All the "writers block" advice articles say just go for it and start writing. So that is what I will do!

Mr. S and I took a trip to Voyageur's National Park with some friends. We stayed at the charming Kettle Falls Hotel in a "Villa".....
Our adventures started when our room came with an overpowering ODOR of vomit! Yikes....but luckily we were given the room directly above. It had no kitchen, but we were allowed to use the kitchen in the "vomit" room. The smell gradually went away....and all was well.
I clearly am the poster girl for high fashion on the water.....and I even caught a fish or two.....
We used the Air Fryer to cook the fish without a bunch of oil. Oh...YUMMY!
The scenery was amazing and so was the weather!
Nothing beats time spent with good friends making memories!
And then there are the Grands.....
Getting to know this sweet little Grand Girl is beyond wonderful
I forgot how all consuming babies can be....how fortunate we are to spend that time!
The Grandboy is a constant source of wonder!
All boy and using whole sentences to have conversations with us!
Helping GG (GreatGrandma) with her knitting!
This photo was taken BEFORE he completely unwound the whole skein of yarn!
Ahhh.....what is better than a costume box so that you can instantly become a SUPER HERO!
Loving the excitement of a summer time parade!
How interesting.....an a bit A..musing! All this Monday morning musing has given me about 10 ideas to blog about. I guess the writer's block advice is correct....just start writing and the thoughts will come!
Stay Tuned...
Have a wonderful day....and thanks for listening!