All that is left to do is choose window treatments and accessories.
When I walk in.....I just look around and smile!
While My last post was all about using experts to help choose the components for our bathroom remodel.....
This one will be in praise of the people who actually made it happen.

I almost feel guilty sharing all about the new space since we really didn't DO anything ourselves.
It kinda feels like I am doing one of those...."look at me" deals.
So this post will NOT JUST be about how gorgeous the new space is.
It will be about....why it made sense to (gasp) spend money to get this done!
- Remember that Mr. S just had his ankle replaced less than 6 months ago? Can you even imagine him trying to go up and down the steps as many times as would have been necessary.
- Our contractor did an amazing job of scheduling. Because all of the people that he worked with had a relationship with him, they came when he asked and made adjustments when necessary. THAT SAVED TIME!
- We were able to use the discounts available to the contractor for many of the components of the project. THAT SAVED $$$$ !
- There were many things that needed specialized skills that we would probably have had to hire done anyway!
ANYWAY.....during the month long process....I don't think a day went by that we didn't say "THANK GOODNESS we are NOT doing this ourselves.
So in good old renovation show's time for the big reveal!
Ahhh....the freestanding soaking tub that I have been dreaming about since we started is every bit as beautiful as I imagined! Taking out the old surround for the whirlpool tub that I never used freed up an enormous amount of room for the shower. There used to be a soffitt over the shower. Removing that makes the shower seem even bigger. The custom glass is seamless. The "experts" were able to install this in less than 2 hours.
We found these tilting mirrors on Amazon of all places. They look just like the ones in the lighting store where we found these great fixtures. When the contractor actually "complained" about how difficult the installation of the mirrors was....I knew that a DIY session would have been extremely painful for Mr. S.!
We still need to find window treatments and some towel bars and other stuff...and I imagine there will be some DIY with those things....
Less than a month total time....
Little or no hassles.....
It really was worth the expense to save time, headaches, trips to Home Depot, arguments etc. etc. etc.
But the REAL proof of value....
The Sweetwater Grandboy gives his seal of approval!
Have A Wonderful Day!