Come won't find me out shopping!
That is MY day to go into full on decorating mode!
Mr. S is wise enough to head out to the woods to hunt!
(although he does have instructions to bring back greens)
I figured I would go all Martha Stewart on you and give you a list of stuff that I consider essential to have on hand. I don't know about you....but if I don't have the tools and supplies for my projects....they usually don't get done!
So my motto is be prepared with all those little things that make decorating, wrapping and creating simpler!
If you haven't checked your supply closet is time to do so!
Holiday time is NOT the time to have to run out and buy stuff while you are in the middle of your projects!
This post will probably NOT be news to "seasoned" crafters and decorators....BUT hopefully it will remind you to BE PREPARED!
These are the things I consider ESSENTIAL:
Get yourself some paddle wire...and keep it in convenient spots....this is for wiring bows and attaching greenery both fresh and artificial.
Get out your gardening shears to have close by for cutting greens.
If you don't have a "DIKES Parallel cutter"....get yourself one! It is great for cutting the stems of artificial flowers and greens with no sweat!

Floral Foam....for making simple and elegant arrangements with all that free greenery you are going to go get at Home Depot!
This stuff really makes a difference...I am always amazed at how long greens stay nice when they are kept wet in the oasis! You need to buy the WET foam....not the dry!
Raffia! This stuff is perfect for tying artificial greens to railings without worrying about damaging the wood surfaces. It adds a bit of rustic charm to almost anything!
It is especially nice for attaching pinecones because you can get it in between the "petals" and tuck it into the greenery!
There are some other obvious supplies that most everyone has...
Glue Gun....but make sure you have lots of glue sticks so you don't run out!
Exacto Knife!
Paper Punch....nothing fancy....just the regular office supply kind!
Red...Green...Black...White Acrylic Craft Paint! (you can even go crazy and get some silver and gold!

Spray Mount Adhesive to quickly adhere paper to paper....and other containers!
If you have all this stuff....get it organized so that it is easily at hand!
If could use one of those Black Friday coupons at the craft store to get set up!
Oh....I do have some other LUXURY decorating tools in my "Holiday Workshop" could put these on your wish list if you don't already own them!
LOGAN Matcutter.....
CriCut Die Cut machine....
Carl Paper Trimmer.....
But they are just icing on the decorating cake.....
I challenge you to get your own Holiday Workshop set up for some serious fun this season!
What tools of the trade would you add to either the list of essential or luxury items?
I would love to hear from you!
Have a Great Day!
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