Buying a Baby Shower gift really isn't very hard!
A quick trip down the baby aisle of any store will give you lots of options....
You can go into "cute overload" in no time flat!
While every new Mom loves the cute outfits and blankets....here are some practical and thrifty gifts that might be appreciated even more!
Great gifts are those that make life easier for the new parents!
Great gifts are multiples of the things that are going to get used often!
Baby Burp Cloths
There are lots of fancy burp cloths on the market....
The reality is....they don't need to be cute....
They need to be practical....easy to wash and bleach!
CostCo sells 24 plain white terry washcloths for $10.99! I also like the packs of wash cloths at HomeGoods...6 for $4.99. They come in colors if that is your choice.
They make perfect Burp Cloths!
Changing Pads
These hand towels from CostCo ($15.99 for 12) are super nice. A hand towel is the perfect size to put under baby when it is time for a change.
Again....the beauty of pure white....easy to bleach!
These towels have lots of other practical uses.....it is nice to have dedicated kitchen towels for baby items.
Baby Toiletries
A plastic bin with a cover filled with the basic toiletries for the baby is always welcome.
, , , , , and . The plastic bin will be useful after the "stuff" is all gone!
Breast Feeding Necessities

Breast Pads, Nipple Cream, Nipple Shells, a nursing pillow, and milk storage supplies are all necessary items to have on hand.
Nursing Shawl
If you can sew....this tutorial for a DYI Knit Nursing Shawl is for you. The directions are super simple and the whole project could be made for under $10.
There are ready made options out there too.
HMMMM....I am thinking I need to get into my fabric stash and make one of these for the Sweetwater Daughter!

Some people might not say that BOOKS are a NECESSITY! I would definitely DISAGREE!
My Number One "Go To Baby Gifts" are books! Here is a post with some great suggestions! In fact....a fun idea for a Baby Shower t is "A Virtual Book Shower". Simply do an evite with the address of the parents to be and ask people to send a favorite picture book! Hopping to an online site like Amazon and ordering a book is quick and easy! This is a nice way to have a shower which includes people who live a distance away!
Did you figure out that the ulterior motive for this post was to put super cute pictures of the Sweetwater Grandbaby on my blog?
Have a Wonderful Day!
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