We took a road trip to attend a family reunion in Montana!
In addition to visiting and catching up with some pretty wonderful relatives.....
We got a chance to see where the Buffalo (I learned the correct term is really BISON) roam!
We got to see where the deer and the antelope play!
And....the Big Horns too!

We had lots of time to see that the sky was not cloudy all day!
We stopped at untold number of little shops with lots of fun "touristy" items. But thrifty me just couldn't spend all that money on a t-shirt that I probably will never wear.
I collected these pieces of driftwood and rocks to create this sort of sculptural display.
It is good to be home!
The cat hair is vacuumed....you can only imagine how much those kitties shed in 9 days!
The gardens have SOME of the weeds pulled.....yikes....in some places it was hard to find the flowers!
We are starting a major landscaping project tomorrow....with actual PROS if you can believe it! Stay tuned to my chronicle of how we are working to do this with some "thrifty" touches.
Have A Wonderful Day!
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