Welcome to another edition of what I hope will be an on going series!
I would love to have you post some photos of your Good Will Goodies!It is always fun to see what other people buy at the thrift store!
In fact, I often find myself surreptitiously eyeing the carts of the other shoppers in the store!
Sometimes I am envious.....like the time I saw a cart with 6 rolls of 8 inch burlap ribbon....for $2 each! Or the huge Fitz and Floyd platter for $9.99. SIGH!
Sometimes I wonder....but who am I to judge! I just bought these!
Really, they will make fun additions to floral arrangements....trust me!
Goodness! Gracious! Good Will Goodies #2 is about clothes.
Specifically it is about sleeveless shells and camisoles!
Everyone needs these basics in their closet!
Thanks to Good Will.....there are many of these Goodies in the Sweetwater closet!
But the quality of fabric and design you can find at the thrift store is so much better at a cost less than you would spend at Walmart or Old Navy!
Yes...this tank is only $7. 00!
It is probably of pretty good quality.
But seven dollars is way more than most shells sell for at the thrift store.
This tank at JJill is most likely made from a soft and long lasting fabric...
But really....$29 for something this simple?!
The thrifty me would have to argue that fact!
Accruing a "wardrobe" of good quality shells and camisoles let's me play a bit with color and style!
I have shells that have been washed and washed and washed with little sign of wearing out!
And hey....I love wearing Ralph Lauren and Ann Taylor out in the garden!
J Jill, Ralph Lauren, Ann Taylor, Coldwater Creek are just some of the brands represented here!
J Jill, Ralph Lauren, Ann Taylor, Coldwater Creek are just some of the brands represented here!
Theory, St. John, Ralph Lauren, and Jones New York!
Some General Thrift Store Clothing Tips!
Buy Quality!
Sizing at the thrift store is NOT an exact science! I always think that some items have been donated precisely because they are not sized correctly! I am so happy that the newly designed Good Will stores have vastly improved the dressing rooms.....but if you can't bring yourself to try on in the store....you can always return the item if it doesn't fit!
Link PartiesBuy Quality!
Here is a case where brands matter! The name brand fabrics, cut, and styling will make you "big investment" worth it! While I deplore the idea of spending lots of money for clothes....that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the way more expensive items hold up over time.
This is really important! Even though you are at the thrift store, you deserve the good stuff! If it has a stain, is out of shape or looks worn....leave it! You can sometimes find things that still have the store tags on them!
This cute little sleeveless white blouse is from Ann Taylor....tag on at 49.00.....mine for $8.99 less my 25% coupon no less!
Try It ON!

Look at this cute halter dress from Land's End! Size 10....not really my size...but I figured I could take in the back pretty easily....so I went for it! Go figure....it fit perfectly!
Give Yourself Browsing Time!
To really get the most out of a trip to the thrift store you need time! There is A LOT of stuff there. I like to decide before I head to the store if my focus is going to be on household items or clothing and then spend my time there.
Don't Take it Seriously!
Take a risk....maybe you wouldn't spend $50 for a sequined black cami....but hey...$5.00 and now I have something to wear under a plain black jacket! Go with a friend and giggle a bit over some "unfortunate" items and maybe share a happy dance over the perfect treasure!
Happy Shopping! And don't forget....share your best and worst Goodwill Goodies with us!
Handy Man Crafty Woman
Ginger snap Crafts
Thrifty Home
Talk of the Town
Vintage Chic
1 comment:
You have found some great bargains!
I buy most of my dishes, linens, napkin rings, glassware and candle holders at thrift stores, mainly Savers, but some of my great deals have been from Goodwill, too.
Enjoy the rest of the week.
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