Well, this past week that happened here at Sweetwater.

The golden brown or shall we say peanut butter colored walls in the living room and dining room have been the same for the last 9 years.
It seemed like a good idea.....an update from the very traditional look that we started with.
Anyway....it was time for another update!
I have been envisioning a much lighter pallette.
Did you know that WHITE is Benjamin Moore's Color of the Year for 2016?
So off to the paint store to get us some LINEN WHITE paint.
The purpose of this post is not to teach you how to paint....there are bunches of websites out there to do that....but here THE MOST IMPORTANT PAINTING TIP Mr. S and I have learned over the years!
Use the BEST paint that you can!
I will say it AGAIN! Use the BEST paint that you can!
We are fans of Hirshfields here in the MPLS area.... They carry Benjamin Moore Regal Select.Even on sale it is $50 + a gallon. In this case, thrifty DOES NOT make sense.
Look at how this expensive paint covers that dark paint in just two coats.
Think how much time and energy is saved by not having to paint the room 3 times!
Somehow....the second coat is an expectation....when it looks great it is a reward!
If you have to do a third coat....it is just plain painful...and you have to buy that much more paint!
I am pretty much over the moon with the way it turned out!
I love how the brighter room color makes the furniture and accessories feel almost brand new!
It was fun to "shop the house" to pick the right art accents that play on the lightened up attitude!
So.....what vision is floating around in your head....maybe you should find a way to make it a reality?
My way....includes a huge thank-you to Mr. S for all his hard work on the project! Pretty remarkable after 3 months since his knee replacement! His new knee climbs ladders way better than the old one!
Have A Wonderful Day!
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